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Thursday 29 March 2012



This girl has modeled for me a few times now,
This time was just one on one with no other models so it's obvious that this was the best photoshoot we've done together thus far.

She is gorgeous, confident and knows how to pose for the camera! Even though these photos aren't to the extreme of my recent images with the lighting and coloring, I'm still very happy with the way these photos turned out!


Even though my original idea for this model didn't go quite as I'd hope it would,
We still managed to get a few nice shots out of the shoot,
this one being the best!

This was his first time modeling for me and he was very easy to work with,
I'm extremely pleased with the lighting and coloring in this photo!

Thursday 8 March 2012



This beauty, is my cousin!
I can honestly say these are the best set of photos I have taken of her thus far, and we have had many shoots!
I love the angles of her face in these photos, they make her eyes and cheek bones pop. The lighting in this photo, I've been drawn back to several times now (with Dave & Cameron) it has become my "go to" light set up. It allows me to create exactly what I want with color and gradient layers!
Overall I'm very excited about these photos, and will have a hard time choosing which one I will have in my portfolio.

Thursday 1 March 2012



When you ask Cameron to model for you, he comes prepared! I'm talking jewelry, clothes and scarves for yearsssss. His fashion sense is what kept him in the back of my mind to model for me one day.

I love the lighting I played with in these photos, the way the light reflects off the walls just completes everything in the images. I fooled around with a blue shadow and orange mid-tone color pallet and am pleased with the outcome!

These photos were taken with only one thing in mind, to get some good beauty shots! I think I succeeded and am happy with the outcome of these images !